After what seemed like a lingering process, Bryson's room is FINALLY finished and we couldn't be anymore happier with how it turned out !!!
This is a BEFORE picture
Getting the paint READY !!!
Starting with the blue paint !!
One and a half walls done !!
Now we have started on the grey :)))
Blake is helping with the edges
Blake smoothing out the paint.
This is what the whole room will look like :)
We even got Grandpa David to help with the painting !!
David, Thank you SO much for helping with the making of Bryson's room !!
I know to you it was a simple task that probably doesnt deserve THIS MUCH ATTENTION...
But to the 4 of us ( Blake, Alexa, BRYSON, & myself ) It was a stress taken off my shoulders !
and I cant thank you enough !!!
With some last minute touches...
We finally added the crib :)
Finally his dresser arrived and Bryson's room is done !!!
Except with the need of a few more wall hangings :)
We cant wait to meet you in a matter of 6 weeks or sooner !!! Each and everyday we go into your room and just stand there with smiles on our faces anxiously waiting to see you in it ! We already love you more then life itself just like your sissy ! Cant wait to finally set eyes on you little guy !
Mommy, Daddy, and Sissy
-Always & Forever Young <3