Thursday, June 6, 2013

Bryson is 7 months !

7 months 

Weight: 21lbs
leingth: 30in

It seems like time is flying by. Bryson is learning so much so fast it seems, he is starting to want to pull up on things and is just on the move and "talking" so much more. His personality is starting to come out more and more. He is a shy yet very lovable cutie :)

First Mohawk 

Sporting a pink car l0l

Pool time: Mohawk style

I love his expressions :)

Stole Alexa's milk hahah

Monday, May 6, 2013

Catching Up

Phew !!! A lot has happened since my last blog post. Words cant even begin to describe. 

April 12, 2013 Alexa had a Seizure, out of nowhere. A day that is forever haunting me. A day I felt like my life was forever ruined. Still to this day, I find myself breaking down in fear of my daughters health and mental state. As of now, she has seen a Neurologist and has been put on a daily medication to prevent seizures ( Keppra ) as well as she has an emergency epipen sort of medication. She has been required to get testing done, and as of now we have her MRI on May 10,2012 @ 1pm. From there she is to have an EEG and possible sleep study. But other then that She is doing GREAT !

Daddy's Birthday

Blake's Birthday weekend !

This year for Blake's Birthday we decided to go on a mini vaca without the kids and with all our close friends and family. Not only did we have a blast, but it was absolutely gorgeous !!

The Cabin

The Town

Anna Ruby Falls

A night in the town

Alexa is Finally Potty Trained !!!!!

When Alexa woke up we had set out her potty and a bunch of underwear and told her that the " Potty fairy" had come to visit and took all her diapers and left her big girl undies ! needless to say it WORKED !!! and as of May 2nd we have been diaper free and a potty pro !!

So excited !!

Bryson is 6 months old !

Weight: 20lb
Height: 27 inches

Wow, does time fly !!!!
 Its hard to believe that bryson is already half a year old ( 6 months) It seems like it is just flying by, He is saying "DaDa", crawling, talking baby talk a lot more, playing, eating like a cow, Making all kinds of silly faces, and much much more !! He is always on the go and is deff one of those babies that knows what he wants ( thank you Alexa l0l )

My little Stud <3


-Always & Forever Young <3

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Alexa's "first" haircut

So as a lot of people know, when I had Bryson and Alexa was spending 4 days with just daddy. He happened to take it upon himself to cut Alexa's hair ( l0l ). The next day when they came to visit, needless to say, I had a heart attack, but she still looked beautiful. All Blake could do was laugh and say " her bangs were in her eyes, and I don't know how to do hair" !! ( LMBO ) So since, that day her bangs have been a little wacky, and the more it grows the more you see it l0l, so today she got her first official haircut. SHE DID AWESOME !!!'

As always, looking like a Diva :)


-Always & Forever Young <3