Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Alexa's "first" haircut

So as a lot of people know, when I had Bryson and Alexa was spending 4 days with just daddy. He happened to take it upon himself to cut Alexa's hair ( l0l ). The next day when they came to visit, needless to say, I had a heart attack, but she still looked beautiful. All Blake could do was laugh and say " her bangs were in her eyes, and I don't know how to do hair" !! ( LMBO ) So since, that day her bangs have been a little wacky, and the more it grows the more you see it l0l, so today she got her first official haircut. SHE DID AWESOME !!!'

As always, looking like a Diva :)


-Always & Forever Young <3

Easter 2013

Alexa's 2nd Easter :)
Bryson's 1st :)

This year Alexa got spoiled ( l0l ) 
Her Nana made her an easter basket, An old friend of mine made her one, and of course we made her one. So needless to say she got A LOT of candy, but also fun things. Bryson, we thought was to little but his nana made him/us one to, thank you for the candy ! 

This year for alexa, I did something a little non traditional. I got her things she has asked for and a few she could greatly use :)

Also, this year we went to Bpops ( blakes dad) for a delicious Easter dinner, and of course I HAD to make cupcakes. I couldnt have done it any better without Alexas help :)

Letting the cupcakes cool down 

And.... the finishing product !!!!!!

-Always & Forever Young <3